Friday, September 18, 2020

America: Your Reality Check is in the Mail

While Congress dithers and the U.S. economy burns, many citizens are becoming anxious about the prospect of failing to get the 2020 Presidential Election results that they feel they deserve. This doesn’t worry me at all, because regardless of the outcome, I am confident that we will get exactly that which we deserve, and probably a lot more. I shall briefly explain why:

Whichever incompetent is declared the victor in this spectacularly farcical election year there can be no doubt that “We The People” have screwed ourselves into a corner from which there is no possibility of painless egress.
Out of our very own separate, but decidedly unequal dalliance with American Exceptionalism, we have emerged after all these crisis-ridden decades of carefree, careless governance, and pathetic public participation, into a nightmarish blind alley in which only the monstrous can survive, and even then, not for very long.
Quite ironically, we have lost our bearings in the material world. We have chosen, instead, to live and become moored to an alternate reality in which each of us is god-like and can manipulate our fate in the time it takes to render an uninformed opinion, or an irrational presumption to be self-represented as Gospel.
Blame it on, if you will, the Media, The Other, or the Bossa-Nova, it matters not—what matters is that as materialistic as we have become, as success-driven that we have become, that as proficient at acquisition that we have become, that we have lost, first our reverence, and at last our relevance, and thus our connection to both our spiritual, and perhaps more importantly, to our physical world.
Finally, It won’t be “Good-bye cruel world,” but quite the contrary, and that shall, indubitably, zoom home to us post-haste.

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