Monday, February 3, 2020

Groundhog Daze

Dear Disillusioned,

I empathize with you on the recent loss of your Democracy, and I wish to lighten your burden somewhat by posting this brief epistle to you and any fellow citizens who are feeling disheartened [despaired] of late.

That we have sunken to ever more acrimonious depths into the Slough of Despond is readily apparent, but might I not suggest some ways to alleviate the ignominity of this well-deserved consequence?

There are many ways that you can overcome your disappointment [grief] at suddenly realizing that all of your fears about how America has regressed from its time-honored beginnings up through its slaveholding tendencies, bouts of ethnic cleansing, nativism, jingoism, penchant for war, imperialism, corruption, gratuitous violence, white-nationalism, racism, and manifest predation in social, political, and economic arenas slowly tentacling upward and outward into this week's parting Congressional Salute to their befucked electorate were warranted:

1) Make sure not to miss J.Lo. Do DVR the entire NFL production.

2) Read a biographical introduction to Donne, Shelley, Browning, Yeats, and Eliot. (In any order, the object being simply to see how little we need another great poet to fuss over).

3) Learn how to legally purchase, use and clean a deadly weapon in your community. It probably will soon make you sleep more soundly.

4) I could enlarge this list, but I think you get the idea (which is) either accept your situation or take some action to change it [hopefully for the better (whatever that means)], but don't fall into the liberal trap of whining about it. FDR is dead (our loss) and if he was alive, you know he'd be a sitting duck.

P.S. I'm going with Kansas City. It's no Ferguson, but they do have some crazy little women there.
Or so I've heard.