Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Particular Order

In my January 2018 post I randomly entered 10 words that begin with the letter "b" that I had encountered in my reading during that month that required my consulting one or more of my reference books. This current post lists 11 words since that previous post that start with the letter "c" that I had to look up.

casern: barracks in a garrison town
crustie: an anti-work, dumpster-diving, hippie type
conurbation: an extended urban area
clepsydra: an ancient water-clock
cicatrix: a scar
clerihew: in prosody, a light verse form of two couplets of uneven length or meter
cambric: thin plain cotton fabric, usually white
caitiff: a contemptible or cowardly person
crescive: growing, increasing
cuirass: armored breastplate fastened with a backplate
coprolite: fossilized turd