Saturday, January 20, 2018

10 Words Beginning With the Letter 'B' That You Can Discover Just By Reading Stuff

In my May 2015 post I randomly entered 10 words that begin with the letter "a" that I had encountered in my reading during that month that required my consulting one or more of my reference books. This current post lists 10 words since that previous post that start with the letter "b" that I had to lookup.
brasser: a cheap whore bought for a brass coin
brachycephalic: having a relatively broad, short skull
botts: a disease affecting a horse's digestive system
boreen: a little road, or country lane in rural Ireland
boojum: an imaginary dangerous animal
bombe: A device designed by Alan Turing to decrypt Nazi Enigma messages
bombazine: a cotton, linen, or silk material, in black for mourning
Boadecia: Briton queen who led revolt against Romans c. 60 A.D.
blebs: blisters or bubbles
blart: to sound loudly and harshly like an airhorn