Thursday, September 28, 2023

Witch Watching

Swatch Out!

Three Witches Watched Three Wristwatches

Which Witch Watched Which Wristwatch?

That's a tongue twister on which to whet your whistle. I have long been warm to witches--ever since seeing Veronica Lake (of Tudor City) playing it coy and cute in I Married a Witch when I was just an awedful kid loaded with hormonious mischief watching the Early Show in the days when TV dinners were stillunborn. 

And then when I grew up, there was Arthur Miller (not my uncle, Arthur Miller, who drove a laundry truck and early succumbed for his pains) but Marilyn's other toy boy, the one who penned The Crucible. 

And then there was Gabby and his long spell of witchery to enthrall me with his heavy-handed brand of magicianship. 

And then along came John and Jack and The Witches of Eastwick.

And then Dame Atwood broomed in with a scary tale of a real live Succubus, Zenia, with The Robber Bride. She who has been named nastily disorders the lives and loves of three innocent women. After reading Atwood's deft portrayal of female betrayal I returned to unholy Mass to refresh my memory of the male take on the delicate sorcery close to his and Hathorne's heart with Updike's, The Widows of Eastwick.

I rest my piece. The jury's out.