Monday, April 27, 2020

Death in the Open

"Dr. Lewis Thomas has written numerous articles about science, medicine, and life structures and cycles geared for the lay reader . . . His observations often bring fascinating clarity to the cycles of life and death on our planet.

"The following 'Words to Watch' appear in his brilliant essay into the 'natural marvel' of death which can be found in the 1975 National Book Award winner for Arts and Letters, Lives of a Cell (1974)."

While you have the time now  -- track it down and read it -- it won't hurt.

Words to Watch when reading Lives of a Cell.

voles rodents
impropriety an improper action or remark
progeny descendants or offspring
mutation a sudden genetic change
amebocytes one-celled organisms
stipulated to make a special condition for
incongruity something which is not consistent with the environment
conspicuous very obvious
inexplicably unexplainably
anomalies irregularities
notion an idea
detestable hateful
synchrony simultaneous occurrence