Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What a Revoltin' Development This Is!

As I begin to ruminate, or fulminate, or maybe better, percolate upon the development of this post post-haste I'll get straight to the point--whenever I hear someone say "the developing countries," I am puzzled, and quite frankly not a little bit annoyed. Aren't all countries always, like marriages, "developing," for better or for worse? Hemingway asked a guy who had once been rich and had become a panhandler living on the down-low what happened. The guy told him that "it happened to me in two ways, first gradually and then all of a sudden."

Like life itself, "developing" gradually until something sinister seems to happen suddenly. To be sure, inevitability sucks, but what's a body to do?

I'll keep ruminating, keep fulminating, keep percolating, and keep posting.

Maybe you'll learn to stop worrying while I apply the balm.